Members and Friends,
Thanksgiving is around the corner with Christmas on its heals and with it comes our maintenance schedule! Are you ready? Be sure to read more about our maintainers in this month's Ready Room. We urgently need hands to get the annuals completed so work can continue on the Howard.
Field trips continue and docents are always needed. If you think that this might be for you instead of being on the maintainers list, we would love to get you involved.
From all of us at the museum, we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Until next time!
Becky McAllister Communications, MOF | |
Many Hands Make Light Work
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Important! Winter Maintenance will begin on December 7, 2024 at the Rome Airport @ 10am.
Every Saturday (except Thanksgiving weekend), there will be a brief at 1000 to delegate work to be done for the day. Lunch will be provided.
Anyone interested in getting their hands dirty should call or text Frank Fry, Christine Lewis or respond to this email. No experience necessary. many hands make light work but experienced mechanics are also welcome to volunteer.
We are implementing plane captains this year:
Alpha - Phil Martin Bravo - Andrew Gratz C45 - Gerry Fellows Charlie - Jason Beaver
Your help is urgently needed! The Howard will be getting disassembled while inspections are being done on the other aircraft, then it will be moved to the Rome hangar for the fabric recovery. The quicker we get the inspections completed, the quicker we can restore the Howard.
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All Maintainers Meeting: December 14, 2024 at 1000 | |
Add this date to your calendar so you can attend this very important meeting regarding the maintenance of our flying collection.
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The 82nd Division in World War I: The Origins of the "All American" Division | |
The 82nd Division, later known as the 82nd Airborne Division, has an incredible history that began during World War I. On August 5, 1917, the division was officially constituted into the National Army, part of the rapid expansion of U.S. military forces in response to America’s entry into the global conflict. A few weeks later, on August 25, 1917, the division was organized at Camp Gordon in Georgia, where it began to forge its identity as a unique and cohesive fighting force. | | | |
More Images from Hurricane Relief to South Georgia | |
So, I'm sharing more pictures from the prep and departure as well as inspection before the C-45 left Vidalia. Thank you to Kerry Tidmore and Trey Studstill, our pilots for this support mission. Quimby is an excellent supervisor for weight distribution. | |
Maintenance can happen anywhere and this time it was in Vidalia.
This beautiful moon was captured at 7am that morning over the C-45 where a gear swing test was taking place.
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Crossville Airport Open House and Fly In
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Our T-28s are a popular exhibit at the airshows and this 90th anniversary was no exception. Quimby in the cockpit of 750 says, "Clear prop!" She is ready to go. New member enjoys her flight with two thumbs up (bottom right)! | |
Member, Rich Henderson stopped by with his beautiful T-28 for an oil change! We love to see our members come by and visit! | |
Two of our "motor pool" collection got to stretch their tires a bit and get some exercise. The first image is the 1978 limited production, Silver Anniversary Edition Corvette which as done considerable traveling including Hawaii.
The second image is the M38A1 jeep which served on Osan Air Base during the Korean War. Interestingly, the C-45H at the museum was also at the Osan Air Base at the same time! The jeep was utilized for aircraft towing and its 24 volt electrical system used as a APU to jump start aircraft. It may have even towed our C-45H at one time. | |
Your donation is instrumental in ensuring that we can: - Maintain our aircraft, motor pool, and artifacts, preserving the rich history of aviation and military history for future generations.
- Develop and deliver educational programs that inspire young minds and foster a love for aviation and STEM fields.
- Host engaging exhibits and events that share the magic of flight to all ages.
We are deeply grateful for any support you can provide. | |
Event | Date | Location | Winter Maintenance | 12-7-24 at 1000 | Rome Hangar | All Maintainers Meeting | 12-14-24 at 1000 | Rome Hangar | | 12-21-24 at 1000 | Rome Hangar | Winter Maintenance | 12-28-24 at 1000 | Rome Hangar | Winter Maintenance | 1-4-24 at 1000 | Rome Hangar |
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Check next month's newletter for additional dates for upcoming events. | |
Fred Amicangioli David Ball Shawn Barber Paul Barnett George Barron Jeanne & Tony Bass Wain Bates James Beaver Jason Beaver Brayden Becker Ray Bell Ernie & Nancy Betancourt David Biloz & Family Jason Bostic Mark & Sam Brereton James Brown Andy Butler Ed Callahan Thomas Calvanelli Danny Camp Anthony Carson Phil Cataldo Dr. Donald H. Chamberlin Keith Clingan Nancy Coddington Brendon Connor Easy Cragg Richard Dean Erich DeHart Logan DeHart Peyton Dehart Ron Dobbs Scott Ducker Thomas & Barbara Ducker Mike Ellis | | Vance Engle Gil Espy Jesse Evans Rick Ferrin Matt Fox Frank Fry Benjamin Gillam Richard Gonzalez James Greene Richard Hafner William Hall Carson Hawkins Evan Henley Robert & Cindy Henninger Tim Herren Mark Homen James Howard Jarid Ison Dave Johnston Christopher Keefe Jeremy Kwaterski Carrol "Chip" Lamb David Lawson Greg and Jennifer Leach Anne Lewinson Christine M. Lewis John Luttrell James & Jacob Martin Phillip Martin Arthur Matthews
Kent Matthews Pamela McAllister Rebecca & Sean McAllister Joel Megginson Russell & Leigh Ann Miller Spencer Morgan | Jeffrey Newcomb Susan, Hanna & Savannah O'Hare John Osterhage Julie Anne Owens Clarence Greer Parramore Edward Perman Susan Reed Ben Rees Hollis Reese Tim Rhyne Gerad Riester Rob Riester Brant Robinson Karl Schwelm Dr. Daniel Serrato Don Shepard Woodrow Smith Sol Snyder Cooper Stewart Tim Stoker Trey Studstill John Sullivan Kenny Thomas Kerry Tidmore Stratton Tingle Jorge Verdias Wayne Vick Alan Ware Kim Watkins Gary Watson John Webb David Wells Brent Westfall Ed Wood Doug & Terri Woodruff |
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Voron Baughan Lloyd Blackwell
| Jimmy Eskew
Deming Gray
Mark McAllister
Grady McDowell
Patricia O'Hare
Peter O'Hare Lois & Richard Robinson
Conrad Schalk
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We send out the newsletter once a month plus an occasional update or request.
Mission: Our Mission is to increase the awareness of aviation through the flight of historic aircraft, while supporting the Anna Shaw Children’s Institute.
Past issues of the Ready Room can be found on the website. Watch your email or Facebook for upcoming events.
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The inside aviation, military memorabilia and outdoor displays are open 10-4 (Tues-Sat) at the Paulding County Airport. Paulding Co. Airport 730 Airport Parkway, Dallas, GA 30157 | |
Tours of our flying aircraft in Rome (Richard B. Russell Airport) by appointment only. (423) 228-2FLY. Rome Hangar 304 Russell Field Rd NE, Rome, GA 30165 | |
Our new mailing address is: MOFTS 1759 Thrasher Pike Hixson, TN 37343
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